Wednesday, April 7, 2010

hey kid! quit playing dota please

you , yess you. stop dota-ing lah, please. do i have to beg? after spm suka hati kau lah nak dota ke nak terbalik ke apa, but for now focus on your studies okay, screw about girlfriends when you're only busy dota-ing. waisting your money , and time . get it? eff** you dota for screwing up this boy's head. in fact ramai lagi yang admit that 'DOTA is mylife' .so what if dota if your life pun. study still study, jangan lah menyesal. alright ezat? dont text me and tell em that u cant answer your sejarah paper, mmg mengundang penerajang i je okay? memudaratkan kesihatan u ,why i cakap mcm tu , its because i care. firstly 1 and 2 o'clock in the morning pun you're still at cc playing dota. wtf? one day you'll realize that you have waiste so much time on this pathetic game, which i myself pernah main dulu, but now i stop, because you wanna know why?

first. u dont get any money or anything if u win or finished to proceed another level malah makin banyak time kau spent kat cc makin melayang duit kau yg kau boleh buat topup and msg aku faham?

second, bila dah start susah nak stop, biar kalah ni , ulang balik dari awal.

third, makin pandai danlancar mencarut. gunakan bahasa kasar sekali gus effect kau punya otak untuk pembelajaran.

bukanya nak halang kau main dota syg. seriously TAK KISAH , tp jgn terlalu taksub and tak kisah lah if cuti and dah habis sekolah nak kawin dgn dota tu pun tak apa , for now, just seriously . be serious in your dead serious kid. its now or never. sory membebel kat you , maybe dah geram sgt. orang lain pun main dota jugak. and i hate it when you ignore me during your sp called dota matched . pfft. screw the creator of it.

now im realived i said it all out .