Sunday, September 20, 2009

old memories :)

Today, a very very weird thing had happen. I don’t know y lah. Smlam tido awal because im dead tired and today mcm hyper like I said. I bangun sahur mcm biasa la
Then sahur paling awal rasanya around 4 o’clock mcm tu. Damn my stomach hurts badly weh. Mintak umi ubat semua,then she urut me, then all of a sudden dekat two or tree times masuk toilet. Sakit -.- then tido balik ..i dreamt that…I was married with an American guy.HOT!.haha, in my dream ni mcm sweet sgt. Haha tet! Tak perlu tahu.
Then tngah2 mimpi, my mom woke me up tiba2 and ..’diana,Diana.. bangun.. cepat bangun’ I was like weh kacau org mimpi tol.haha then I tanye kenapa?my mom said ‘jom ,kita pergi beli broadband’then I was like whoa, what the hell.tiba2 weh. Haha then I smiled and siap2.then we wenr to the kedai bla blab la bla. Then I decided,umi tak yah la beli broadband, lagipun Diana nak spm dah.baiknye aku.ahah.then tak kisah la we went home. I tngok tv and lupe yg pagi tadi aza texted me “dian,jum buka puasa ngn min,tiqah ngn kawan min”,so I replied, “oh ok ok,btw smlm aku tido awal ,kul 5 eh kua?ok set.”Then Im like so tak sabra because sgt rindu dgn tiqah. Heheh rindu kau syg.then around 1-3 I melepak dpan guitar.until lah pukul 4.40,time tu burger baru balik dr
smayang asar.btw today not feeling like texting anyone.haha.ok doing a lot of thingking sampai siap pun last minit.haha btw, I like my eyes today hee and my hair sgt lepak dgn tikah dgn min dgn aza banyak sgt kenangan kitorg dulu,sgt banyak, tiqah skarang dah pakai tudung.kitorg becakap mcm sepuluh tahun dah tak pernah bercakap haha,it was fun tho, semua mcm rindu je dgn diri masing2 . time passes by so fast kan.tak percaya je, kitorg ingt balik mase kecik2 dulu slalu kuar malam2,then buat party kat rumah mama,overnite kat tc, haha mcm2. best sgt,tak pernah rasa happy mcm ni skli.then buka puasa kat taj pun best. Ade epul kawan min,he was cool lah,budak uitm shah alam.
The jalan2 pergi shopping merayap sana merayap sini.then min kena balik kampong dah so kitorg salam ibu,ayah ngn cheche die iman ade jugak sian budak kecik tu, bibir die sakit sbb terjatuh haritu berdarah darah min cite. Then kitorg ckp pasal,tiqah and aza wanted a serious and solid relationship ya know.a real one bukan mcm cinta monyet budak2. so mcm2 la discus,then tikah balik, kitorg happy sgt together rindu nak bergelak ketawa mcm pictures are taken pon only the prescious memory je kept.tngah2 berjalan and bluetoothing songs with tiqah

One miscall: amy.

Haha, I called him a while ,ye ah lame tak dengar cerita kan, then lepas borak2 continue Bluetooth. After mase kat kedai vinci tu aza tngah tngok kasut then

Incoming call:ady

Haha,cuak doh, I picked up

A:hello,ni sape ni?

Haha, I letak I didn’t have the guts to talked to him
Nik pun ada text Tanya what birthday present should he buy for his moms birthday
I fikir dekat berjam jam kot until I finally replied “keronsang?” haha
Balik rumah tumpang aza.singgah ecm dulu before that. Aku dgn aza well mcm biasa lah
Kami byk bincang pasal future. Haha aku ingt janji kau aza J btw aza today jadi model tikah. Kitorg singgah Watson then tiqah the expert in make up , amik semua tester test kat muka aza.haha, u look brilliant aza :p haha. Rindu korg sgt.hope dpt kua lagi.
Balik tu I had a conversation on the phone dgn ady. Haha then kitorg text.
btw,ily guys tiqah ,aza,and yasmin :)
aza demam so get well soon syg